How to Treating Anal Itching in Kids – Causes, Treatment at Home

This blog post discusses peri-anal itching in children, commonly known as “Anal Itching.” It covers the causes, treatments, and management of this condition. Causes include worms emerging at night and skin allergies, exacerbated by tight clothing and poor hygiene.

Treatment involves frequent handwashing, using mild soap, avoiding tight clothing, and maintaining proper hygiene after restroom use. Medications such as Mebendazole and hydrocortisone cream are also mentioned. Additionally, a high-fiber diet is recommended to alleviate symptoms.

How to Treating Anal Itching in Kids

In children, experiencing itching in the anal area at night, commonly known as “chamoony larna” in colloquial terms or “peri-anal itching” in English, is a common issue. What are the causes of this condition, what are its treatments, and how can we manage it at home for our children? Let’s discuss the treatment options for this condition today.

Parents often come to hospitals or clinics with complaints that their child scratches excessively in the anal area at night, leading to irritation. They wonder if there is any treatment for this, or if it is due to worms in the stomach or some other issue. Yes, this is called peri-anal itching.

One of the main reasons for this condition in children is the emergence of worms during the night, which come out from the anal area and cause damage to the skin, leading to itching. This is caused by a type of worm called enterobiasis, which comes out at night and lays eggs outside, leading to irritation and itching on the skin.



Due to the itching on the skin, often there is an infection which further worsens the skin condition. Additionally, a significant reason for itching in the anal area in some children is skin allergy, also known as eczema.

Children who wear very tight clothing or tight underwear, or those whose anal area is not properly cleaned, can also experience these symptoms.

Furthermore, children suffering from frequent loose motions or constipation, along with poor hygiene in the area, may also experience this issue.

What is Treatment of Anal Itching

Now, let’s discuss the treatment options for peri-anal itching. First and foremost, if you want to prevent this condition, make sure to wash your and your children’s hands frequently.

Keep your nails neat and clean because they carry germs from food, drinks, and hands, which can lead to stomach issues and then manifest as these symptoms.

Whenever your child uses the restroom, make sure to wash them thoroughly with water and a mild soap like Dove. Avoid using heavily chemical-based or medicated soaps as they can damage the skin and exacerbate the itching.

Every time your child uses the restroom, ensure proper hygiene. If your child is suffering from constipation or loose motions, consult a doctor for treatment. Always dress children in cotton clothing to avoid tightness, as tight clothing can exacerbate hygiene issues in that area.

Additionally, after washing, apply a baby oil or simple petroleum white Vaseline to provide a protective barrier to the skin and prevent damage.

If there is excessive redness or itching in that area, you can use a 1% hydrocortisone cream, applying a small amount in the morning and evening for 5 to 6 days. However, do not use this cream for an extended period without medical advice, as it may have side effects.

One common medication for this condition is Mebendazole, also known as Vermox. Children older than 1 year can be given this syrup, 5ml in the morning and 5ml in the evening for 3 days.

This can be repeated after 2 weeks if necessary, as sometimes symptoms may not completely resolve with one course of treatment.

Finally, try to limit children’s consumption of very sweet foods, as they can also be helpful for the worms.

Provide children with a high-fiber diet, including foods like oatmeal, wheat porridge, fruits, and vegetables, which can be helpful in reducing redness and irritation in that area.

Also Read: How to Stop itching on Body with Expert Advice


In conclusion, peri-anal itching in children can be effectively managed through proper hygiene, medication, and dietary adjustments. Maintaining cleanliness, avoiding tight clothing, and seeking medical advice for persistent symptoms are essential steps in alleviating discomfort and promoting overall well-being.

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