3 Causes of Constant Mucus in Your throat – Phlegm Treatment at Home

In the back of the throat, feeling the need to clear the throat repeatedly due to the frequent occurrence of phlegm is a common issue.

Let’s discuss why this happens and explore treatment options. In this post, I’ll cover everything comprehensively so that you never have to face this problem again.

When you take antibiotics, especially for viral infections, along with eliminating the infection, many side effects arise. Antibiotics eradicate the friendly bacteria present in your body, leading to weakening of your immune system.

With the depletion of friendly bacteria, fungal growth in your body increases, as these friendly bacteria, which previously naturally inhibited fungal growth in the body, are now absent, allowing fungus to spread throughout the body.

Along with this, sinusitis is a contributing factor. Sinusitis is a medical condition where inflammation occurs in the cavities of your nose, leading to headaches, runny or blocked nose, and other issues. By trying to eliminate a minor viral infection, you may end up trapped in a larger problem.

Now, you have to resort to strong medicines, which further exacerbate side effects and weaken your immune system. Let’s discuss each of these issues one by one and find out how to get rid of the phlegm in the throat without resorting to heavy medications.

3 Causes of Constant Mucus in Your throat


(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) GERD occurs when the valve between the stomach and the esophagus cannot close properly, causing stomach acid to repeatedly enter the esophagus.

This irritation leads to inflammation and the formation of phlegm in the throat, necessitating the need to clear the throat frequently. Many people suffer from this issue, and often they are given acid-suppressing medications. However, the real problem lies in reducing stomach acidity, as lower stomach acids cannot properly close this valve, allowing acid to enter the esophagus.

Betaine hydrochloride capsules taken before meals, along with Apple Cider Vinegar, can help balance stomach acid levels. This is a simple and cost-effective solution to treat acid reflux, and many people are benefiting from it.

People with acid reflux often experience gas, bloating, and indigestion after meals.

2: Post Nasal Drip

Post nasal drip is another potential cause of phlegm in the throat. It occurs when mucus from the back of the nose drips down into the throat, forcing you to cough.

This can happen due to viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, and it is facilitated by biofilms created by friendly bacteria to protect themselves from antibiotics. These biofilms form colonies around friendly bacteria, shielding them from antibiotics.

If these biofilms fail to protect the friendly bacteria, the antibiotics can’t differentiate between friendly and harmful bacteria, killing them all.

3: Calcification

Calcification, where tartar builds up on teeth and blocks arteries, can also contribute to phlegm in the throat. Treating this with antibiotics can worsen the condition, leading to persistent throat irritation, snoring, and difficulty breathing. The disruption of biofilms plays a role in this.

These friendly bacteria strengthen their biofilms in response to antibiotic use, which can exacerbate the problem.

Biofilms are slimy and protect themselves, leading to increased phlegm production. If your phlegm is yellowish or greenish, it indicates a bacterial infection; if it’s transparent, it could be a viral infection, although this is not always accurate.

If post nasal drip isn’t severe, you can try normal solutions like gargling with salt water or nasal rinses. Salt has antimicrobial properties, making it effective for mild infections. You can prepare saltwater at home by mixing half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of lukewarm water and rinsing your nose with it.

Phlegm Treatment at Home

Using baby shampoo for nasal rinses is also effective, as regular shampoo contains chemicals that can irritate the nasal passages. Mix 2 teaspoons of baby shampoo with 4 cups of water and rinse your nose with this solution several times a day.

Using Povidone-Iodine is another option. Dilute it with water (50%) and apply it to the nostrils using cotton buds. Gargle with the remaining mixture for 30 seconds, allowing it to reach the back of your throat before spitting it out. This method is effective and soothing.

Environmental pollution can also contribute to throat irritation. To avoid this, strengthen your immune system through methods like fasting, as prolonged fasting can help.

Additionally, watch out for food allergies, particularly to dairy products and sugar, which can cause inflammation and affect your immune system negatively. Including raw garlic in your diet can help strengthen your immune system.

it’s essential to identify the source of your throat issues, whether it’s related to the stomach, nasal passages, or environmental factors. This post aims to provide comprehensive guidance on addressing these issues without resorting to heavy medications.

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The content discusses the common issue of frequent phlegm in the throat and explores its causes and potential treatments. It identifies factors such as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), post nasal drip, and calcification as contributing to this problem. Antibiotic use, while aiming to treat infections, can actually worsen the condition by disrupting friendly bacteria and their protective biofilms.

The text suggests alternative remedies such as betaine hydrochloride capsules, apple cider vinegar, saltwater gargles, nasal rinses with baby shampoo, and the use of Povidone-Iodine. Additionally, it highlights the importance of strengthening the immune system through fasting, avoiding food allergies, and incorporating garlic into the diet. The ultimate goal is to address throat issues comprehensively without relying solely on heavy medications.

Phlegm Treatment at Home
Phlegm Treatment at Home

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